Caledonia Cup – Summer

Edmonton Scottish Society Fields 3105 101 St. , Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

  Type of Event: Outdoor Open To:  Boys and Girls in the following age groups, formats and tiers; U9 to U17 Tiers 1


2021 Red Deer Harvest Cup

Edgar Athletic Park Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

Open To: U13 to U15 Tier 1 Male and Female U13 to U17 Tier 2 and 3 Male and Female Game Format:  Outdoor


Caledonia Cup – Remembrance Day

Edmonton Scottish Society Fields 3105 101 St. , Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Open To:  Boys & Girls U13 to U17 Type of Event:  Indoor U13 to U17: Non-Boarded 7v7, 9v9 2006 - 2007 birthyears:


2021 CMSA Winter Classic

Calgary West Soccer Centre 11014 Bearspaw Dam Rd NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Open To:  U11 to U19 Tier 1 to 4 Male and Female Game Format:  7v7 Boardless Indoor Entry Deadline:  November 29, 2021


Caledonia Cup – Family Day 2022

Edmonton Scottish Society Fields 3105 101 St. , Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Open To: U9-U12 Tiers 1-3 Male and Female Teams Male and Female PDP teams born 2006-2007 Formats (all indoor boardless): U9 Skills


EWZSA Slush Cup

Edmonton Soccer Centres - All

Open To: U9-U19 Tier 2-9 Male and Female Teams U13-U19 Tier 1-2 Male and Female Teams Formats: Indoor Boarded (Tier 2-9) Indoor